Harrison Lee

Develop with Passion

My Story

Entering college, I did not know what I wanted to do for a career. A couple of my friends went in pursuing a degree in Computer Science. I always enjoyed fiddling around with a computer and playing games, but can I get the same enjoyment as a developer? I just went with the flow and declared my major as Computer Science at the University of California, Riverside.

It wasn’t until a friend reached out to me to start Goal Striver with him that my passion for programming took a turn. I was glued to my seat everyday learning how to make Android apps. After many months of struggles, we finished our first version of the app. However, an unsatisfied taste remained for failing to create our ideal product.

In the summer of 2016, we attended a summer accelerator program at Cal Poly Pomona. Over there, I learned about how startups succeed and what must be done. And so, I used the knowledge I gained to recreate Goal Striver from the beginning. Releasing the new version of Goal Striver just felt incredible. After so long, I finally realized that I enjoy programming and this is the career for me.

Contact Me

Email me at harrisonlee147@gmail.com and I'll reply as soon as I can!